Donald J Trump and The Wardenclyffe Files
Conspiracy Theories
The world is steeped in conspiracy theories -
from the assassination of JFK to chem-trails;
from Area 51 to Roswell to the Bermuda Triangle;
and the Illuminati and their bringing about of a
New World Order - and it has been said that the
best conspiracy theories are the ones that are
intertwined with a smidgen of the truth. The
problem that most people seen to have, however,
is their inability to discern this truth. They are
pummeled daily with 'fake news' - fed to them
via TV news reports, online news websites, or
newspapers that are backed by organizations who
have no interest in reporting the important, real
news; their only interest is in spreading
propaganda, "false flag operations", or diversion.
Sometimes, these conspiracy theories are
harmless. In fact, the very reason for their
existence is to make people laugh. They are so
outrageous as to be utterly preposterous;
irrational to the point of absurdity. At other times,
however, the conspiracy theory can be so
convincing as to cause a reaction within society
akin to hysteria. It is this type of conspiracy theory
that those who seek greatness feed on; it is this
that they use to build their tyranny; it is this that
breeds fear. It is then, through this fear, that
oppression succeeds. Sometimes, a conspiracy
theory is exactly that... a theory of a conspiracy. It’s up to you to
distinguish the truth.
And this, my dear the purpose of this report.
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